The auspicious Raksha Bandhan festival comes every year on Shravan Purnima. This festival is related with the strong bond of love and protection that is shared between the siblings. This Indian festival has several famous stories behind its origin dated back years ago. As per the Hindu mythology, Indrani, wife of Lord Indra had tied a “Raksha Sutra” on his wrist so as to save him from the attacks of demons in the battle. In this modern society, this festival is celebrated by the siblings and sisters tie Rakhis on the wrist of their brothers. In exchange to this, brothers offer several gifts to their sisters and tend to protect them from all kinds of evils.
this auspicious day, the most important and significant custom is tying of Rakhi
on the wrist of brother by his sister. But, some sisters are bound by the barriers
of distance because their brothers are staying far away from them. To remove
this barrier of distance, provides all the brothers and sisters staying
far away from each other to give gifts to their siblings by using their online
Rakhi shopping store. They provide wide range of Rakhis and Rakhi gifts and
therefore brothers and sisters can choose from them and these gifts are delivered
to the selected location by their delivery services. They just have to be sure
of providing the correct delivery address so that the gifts could be delivered
to the correct location and their fast and secure delivery services will do the
rest. Send Rakhi to your beloved siblings
who are miles away from you.
deepest and noblest bond among the human emotions is the bond between brother
and sister. The special occasion of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated by the
siblings and to express this emotional bonding, sisters tie Rakhis around the
wrist of their brothers. Therefore, the Raksha Bandhan festival strengthens the
bond of relation between brother and sister. Sisters seek the blessings of the divine
so as to protect their brothers from all kinds of evils. Brothers, in exchange
to this, tend to protect their sisters form all kinds of harms.
history, there are several famous stories that are linked with this auspicious
festival. There are pages in Indian history that signifies that the queens in
Rajputs and Marathas have sent Rakhis to even Mughal kings and besides the religion
difference, they have offered their help and protection in critical moments in
order to honor this fraternal bond. The wife of King Alexander had sent Rakhi
to Porus and asked him to save the life of her husband in the battlefield. In
response to this, Porus restrained himself in the battlefield to strike
Sisters tie the knot of Rakhi on the wrist of their brothers as the mark of protection and seek the blessings of the divine so as to provide their brothers with a long and healthy life. The auspicious thread of Rakhi symbolizes all kinds of protection from evils and provides the blessings of the divine. It also induces the fellow feeling and brings joy in pour lives.
Sisters tie the knot of Rakhi on the wrist of their brothers as the mark of protection and seek the blessings of the divine so as to provide their brothers with a long and healthy life. The auspicious thread of Rakhi symbolizes all kinds of protection from evils and provides the blessings of the divine. It also induces the fellow feeling and brings joy in pour lives.
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